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Conseil nutrition
prise de masse alimentation

How to successfully gain weight in winter?

For many bodybuilding enthusiasts, the winter period is associated with gaining muscle mass. How can you achieve optimal muscle mass gain safely? Here are all our tips.

A suitable diet and a gradual increase in calories

When we think of gaining mass, we often think of intensifying training. But the achievement of your goals is also played out on your plate. A satisfactory and safe mass gain requires a good training plan, but also a well-studied diet . If you are already practicing bodybuilding, you must know your caloric maintenance , the caloric intake necessary to cover your daily energy needs based on your height, weight, training intensity, etc., without the goal of gaining or losing weight. It is this caloric maintenance that should serve as a basis for determine the number of calories with which you go start your mass gaining diet .

Learn how to calculate your calorie maintenance

Increasing your calorie intake too much right from the start is not the best option. We recommend that you start with a 10 to 20% increase at first, then change your calorie intake depending on your results and needs.

Focus on a balanced diet

Increase your calorie intake ? Many would be tempted to see this as an opportunity to enjoy winter dishes based on fondue cheese or other chocolates. Even if it is important to have fun From time to time, a mass gain diet does not mean eating anything. In order to get results, To build muscle not fat , it is essential to maintain a balanced and suitable diet . So make sure to compose your meals and snacks by selecting foods as natural and as unprocessed as possible in order to ensure optimal nutritional intake, while applying the right ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids .

See how to adapt your diet according to your goals

The mass gainer

Some people, say ectomorphs , fail to gain weight despite the higher caloric intake. In this specific case, it is interesting to use a mass gainer . Composed of proteins and carbohydrates In the majority, the mass gainer is a real support for your mass gain, providing these macronutrients in much greater quantities than it is possible to obtain them through food. The mass gainer can also be useful if you experience difficulty eating 5 to 6 meals a day , it allows you to reduce the number of meals you eat, while maintaining a optimal nutritional intake .

A training plan geared towards mass gain

Diet and training go hand in hand. If you increase your caloric intake without increasing the intensity of your workouts, the risk is gain fat instead of gaining muscle . For a mass gain training program, it is advisable to stick only to basic exercises , such as squats, dips, bench presses, pull-ups, etc., as these exercises work the general muscle groups . It will then be possible to reintroduce isolation exercises at the end of the program . The number of repetitions and loads will be adapted according to your level, beginner, intermediate or advanced, do not hesitate to ask the advice of a sports coach to determine the best program.

Creatine for explosive strength

Intensification of training can create fatigue or lack of muscle punch during repetitions. Creatine monohydrate, an amino acid derivative naturally present in muscle fibers, improves physical strength and endurance and promotes mass gain.

Recovery, the last pillar of mass gain

If as seen above, it is essential to To achieve your mass gain gradually , it is also essential to give the body time to recover . During mass gain training, it is advisable to observe rest periods between exercises that are more intense than usual, i.e. between 1 minute and 1 minute 15. This time allows the muscles to recover energy . Same thing between training sessions, set aside rest times to promote muscle overcompensation , i.e. give the muscle fibers time to recover and strengthen . During periods of mass gain, also pay great importance to your sleep, this is when your body recovers the most. The optimal sleep time for an adult and 7 to 9 hours per night.

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Barre protéinée - MX3 Nutrition Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition

Source of protein

Chocolate - Hazelnut protein bar (test)


Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition Barre proteinee - MX3 Nutrition


Spicy Cashew Protein Bar


Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition

Vitamin B1

Strawberry Basil energy bar


Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition Barre énergétique - MX3 Nutrition

Vitamin B1

Honey Almond energy bar

